ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Defence line

Hi there! Do you know what a defence line is? It's like a wall or a barrier that helps protect something or someone from something else. It's kind of like a big invisible shield that stops bad things from getting through.

Now, let's say there is a group of people who want to protect their home from bad guys who want to come in and steal their things. They could build a defence line around their house to help keep the bad guys out.

The defence line could be made up of things like gates, fences, walls, and even guards who are trained to stop the bad guys from getting in. These things can help protect the people inside the house from harm.

Think of it like a castle with big walls and guards at the front gate to keep any enemies out. The defence line does the same thing, it protects whatever is inside from anything that might want to harm it.

So, a defence line is like a big protective wall or shield that keeps you safe from bad things. It's important to have one so you can feel secure and protected.