ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Defense Research and Engineering Network

Have you ever played a game where you try to defend your house from bad guys or monsters? Well, the government also has to defend our country from bad guys and they use something called defense research and engineering network to help them do it.

Imagine a big group of really smart people who are really good at building things like tanks, drones, and other cool gadgets that can help the military defend us. These people work together and share their ideas and knowledge so they can come up with the best and most effective ways to protect us.

Sometimes, they even use special computers and technology to help them design and test out their ideas to make sure they work properly. This is important because they want to make sure that their creations are able to protect us as best as possible.

The defense research and engineering network also helps the government stay up to date with new technology and advancements that could help us even more. They test out new things and figure out how they could be useful in defending our country.

Overall, the defense research and engineering network is a really important group of people who are working hard to keep us safe from harm. So, next time you play a game where you defend your house, remember that there are real people out there doing something similar to keep our whole country safe!