ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Defensible space theory

Defensible space theory is like having your own special castle. It's a way to make your home and community safer by using things like plants, fences, and lighting.

Imagine you have a big yard that you like to play in. If there are bushes, trees or tall grass growing in certain places, it can be hard to see if anyone is sneaking up on you. That's why defensible space theory suggests you should cut down bushes or trim trees around your yard to make it easier to see all around you.

Similarly, if you have a fence around your yard, it can prevent people and animals from getting in. This creates a barrier that keeps you and your family safe.

You can also install bright lights around your home to help scare away bad guys. Lights make it harder for people to hide and create a sense of security.

Overall, defensible space theory is about making your castle (home) as safe as possible. By using these tactics, you can better protect yourself and your family from danger.