ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Definitions of fascism

Fascism is a type of government where one ruler, usually a dictator, takes control over everything and has complete power. In a fascist government, people's individual rights and freedoms are often taken away in order to create a strong, unified country.

The word "fascism" comes from the Italian word "fascismo," which means a bundle of sticks bound together to create strength. This symbolizes how people must come together and give up their individuality in order to create a strong society.

Fascist governments often have very strict rules, control over the media, and focus on things like nationalism, military strength, and controlling the economy. The idea is that if everyone works together and follows the rules, the country will be stronger and more successful.

However, fascism also involves the suppression of opposition or dissent, which means that people are not allowed to speak out against the government or its decisions. In a fascist government, the ruler's beliefs and ideas become the only ones that are allowed, and anyone who disagrees is seen as an enemy of the state.

Overall, fascism is when one ruler takes complete control over a country and enforces strict, often oppressive rules in order to create a strong and unified society. However, this often comes at the cost of individual rights and freedoms, and can lead to the suppression of opposing voices and ideas.
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