ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Deliberative referendum

Imagine you and your friends want to decide what to play during recess, but you can't agree on which game to choose. Instead of arguing about it, you all decide to hold a vote. You each have a chance to talk about your favorite games and explain why you think they are the best. Then, you all vote on which game to play.

A deliberative referendum works in a similar way, but instead of just voting, people take the time to talk about the issue and consider different options. This is like when you and your friends talked about your favorite games before voting.

In a deliberative referendum, people have the chance to learn about the issue they are voting on, discuss different ideas and viewpoints, and then make a decision together. This helps ensure that the decision is well-informed and reflects the opinions of everyone involved.

Overall, a deliberative referendum is a way for people to make informed decisions about important issues by talking and learning together before casting their votes.