ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Delphos gown

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of a gown? Like the ones that someone might wear to a fancy party or ball? Well, a Delphos gown is a special kind of gown that was invented a long time ago, back in the early 1900s.

It was created by a woman named Mariano Fortuny, who was from Spain but lived in Italy. He was an artist and a designer, and he liked to make things that were beautiful and unique. He wanted to create a dress that was both comfortable and elegant, so he came up with the Delphos gown.

The Delphos gown is made of silk, which is a really soft and smooth fabric that feels nice against your skin. The dress is long and flowing, with no waistline or bustline, so it looks very graceful and ethereal. The gown is designed to be worn by women of all shapes and sizes, so it doesn't have any tight or constricting parts that could be uncomfortable.

One of the most special things about the Delphos gown is the way it's made. It's created using a special technique called pleating, where the fabric is folded over and over again to create tiny little pleats all the way down the dress. This makes the gown look like it's always moving and shimmering, even when you're standing still.

Back in the day, the Delphos gown was really popular among wealthy and fashionable women, and it was even worn by famous actresses and princesses. Nowadays, it's more of a rare and special item that you might see in a museum or in a vintage clothing store. But it's still just as beautiful and unique as it was when it was first created over a hundred years ago!