ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Delta network

Okay kiddo, so imagine you have a bunch of friends who all want to share their toys with each other. They all live really far apart, so they can’t just walk over to each other’s houses to play. What can they do?

Well, they can use a delta network! A delta network is like a big circle of friends where everyone is connected to two other friends. When one friend wants to share their toy with someone else in the network, they just pass it along to one of their connected friends. That friend can then pass it on to their connected friend, and so on, until it reaches the person who wants the toy.

But wait, there’s more! Delta networks are really smart because they find the shortest possible path from one friend to another. That means toys can be shared really quickly, without wasting any time or energy.

So, in summary, a delta network is like a big circle of friends who pass toys around to each other in the fastest and most efficient way possible!