ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Ok kiddo, do you know what landmines are?

No? Alright, let me tell you. Landmines are dangerous things that people put in the ground to stop other people from going into certain areas. It's like a secret trap that can hurt you very badly if you step on it.

Now, sometimes these landmines stay in the ground even when people don't need them anymore. That's not good because people can still get hurt, especially if they're playing around or farming or doing anything on that land.

So, what do we do when there are landmines in the ground that could hurt someone? We use a special skill called demining to find and remove them.

Demining is like a treasure hunt but instead of finding gold, we're finding landmines. We use special tools and techniques to search the ground for the landmines that we can't see. It's important because when we find the landmines, we can take them away so no one gets hurt.

Once we find the landmines, we have to be very careful when removing them. We use special machines or sometimes even do it by hand to make sure we don't set off the landmine accidentally. It's like taking apart a big puzzle where one wrong move could make it explode.

Once we get all the landmines out of the ground, the land becomes safe again for people to use without getting hurt. That's why demining is so important. We help keep people safe and make the world a better place to live in.