ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Democratic backsliding in the United States

Okay, so imagine you and your friends decide that you want to share toys and make decisions together. This is kind of like what a democracy does - it's when the whole group gets to pick what they want, instead of just one person deciding for everyone.

But, sometimes when people are in charge, they might start doing things that aren't fair or aren't good for everyone. This is called backsliding, and it's like going backwards instead of moving forward.

In the United States, we've been lucky to have a really good democracy for a long time. But, some people are worried that things have been changing lately and maybe not for the better. For example, some people aren't being allowed to vote, or things the government does might not be fair to all people.

So, people are trying to make sure that our democracy stays strong and that everyone gets treated equally. It's important to keep talking about it and making sure that everyone's voice gets heard, just like when you and your friends share toys and make decisions together.