ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dense heterarchy

Okay kiddo, so let's say that you and your friends want to plan a surprise party for your mom's birthday. But you can't decide who should be in charge of everything, like getting the cake, decorating the house, and inviting guests.

So instead of having one person in charge of everything, you all work together and make decisions together. This way, everyone has a say and everyone helps out. This is called a heterarchy.

Now, let's say that instead of just you and your friends, there are a lot of people involved in planning the party. And you all have different jobs and responsibilities. But you still want to make decisions together and help each other out.

So you come up with a plan to have different groups or teams working on different parts of the party, and each group has someone who is kind of in charge of that group. But at the same time, everyone is still working together and making decisions together.

This is called a dense heterarchy. It's like a big puzzle where everyone has their own piece, but all the pieces fit together to make something awesome, like your mom's birthday party!