ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Deportee (Plane Wreck At Los Gatos)

A long time ago, in the United States of America, some people were not born there and they did not have permission to stay there permanently. They were told to leave the country and go back to where they came from because they did not have the right papers.

One day, a group of these people, 28 adults and some children, were put on an airplane to be sent back to their home country. They were called "deportees" because they were being deported, which means being forced to leave a country.

But something terrible happened to the airplane. It crashed into a mountain in a place called Los Gatos, which is in California. Sadly, everyone on the plane died.

The reason this was such a sad and important event is because the newspapers at that time only mentioned the names of the pilot, co-pilot, and a security guard who were also on the plane. The names of the deportees who lost their lives were not mentioned. This made people very upset because they felt like the deportees were not being treated fairly, and their lives did not matter as much as other people's lives.

After this happened, a writer named Woody Guthrie wrote a song to honor the deportees and to remind people that everyone's life is important, no matter where they come from or what their papers say. The song became very famous and it helped to bring attention to the unfair treatment of deportees in the United States.