ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Deputy Leader of the Labour Party (UK)

Imagine you are playing a game with your friends and you are the leader of the game. You get to make all the decisions and tell everyone what to do. But sometimes, you might need someone to help you make those decisions and tell everyone what to do. That's what a deputy leader is.

In the UK, the Labour Party is like a big group of friends who want to play the game of politics and help the country. The leader of the Labour Party is like the leader of the game. They get to make a lot of important decisions and tell everyone what the Labour Party is going to do to help the country.

But the leader of the Labour Party might not be able to do everything by themselves. That's where the deputy leader comes in. The deputy leader is like the helper of the leader. They work with the leader to make decisions and help the Labour Party do things to help the country.

So, to sum it up: The deputy leader of the Labour Party in the UK is like a helper to the leader. They work together to make important decisions and help the Labour Party do things to help the country.