ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Deputy prime minister

Imagine you have a group of friends playing together, and you are the leader of the group. But sometimes, you need to go do something else for a little while or take a rest. So, you decide to pick someone from the group to help you out, by being a "deputy leader" or "assistant leader." This person can help make decisions, handle problems, and make sure everyone in the group is happy and safe.

In a country, there is also a leader, called the Prime Minister, who helps make decisions for the whole country. But just like the leader of the friend group, sometimes the Prime Minister needs to take a break, go on a trip or attend an important meeting with other countries' leaders. When this happens, the Prime Minister chooses a special person, called the Deputy Prime Minister, to help them out.

The Deputy Prime Minister has an important job because they help the Prime Minister make important decisions for the country. They also need to be ready to take over the Prime Minister's job if something happens and the Prime Minister can't continue to lead the country.

So, just like the leader of your friend group, the Prime Minister has someone to help them out when they need a break or need assistance with important decisions, and that person is called the Deputy Prime Minister.