ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Detransition is when someone who had previously transitioned to a different gender goes back to their original gender.

When we are born, we are usually assigned a gender at birth. For example, if you were born with a penis, the doctors and your parents might say you are a boy. But some people might not feel comfortable or like they fit in with the gender they were assigned at birth.

Some people might feel like they are actually the opposite gender from what they were assigned at birth. This can be really hard for them and make them feel really sad or uncomfortable. So, they might decide to transition to the gender they feel they really are.

This could mean a lot of things like changing their name, their clothes, or even taking medicine that can help them look more like the gender they feel they are. This process is called transitioning.

But sometimes, people who have transitioned feel like it didn't work out or that it wasn't what they wanted. They might feel like they didn't get the results they hoped for or that they just don't feel right. So instead of staying the gender they transitioned to, they might decide to go back to their original gender.

This is called detransitioning. It's important to remember that everyone is different and that it's okay to question your gender and your feelings.
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