ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright kiddo, imagine a big toy box filled with all kinds of toys. Every time you take out a toy to play with, there's always some little pieces or crumbs that are left behind.

Now imagine that toy box being a whole ecosystem, like a park full of plants and animals. Just like the toy crumbs, there are tiny little pieces of dead plants and animals that are left behind when they die.

Enter the detritivores! They are like the little cleaning crew that come in and eat up all those leftover pieces. They are like the garbage disposals of the ecosystem, helping to break down all the dead stuff and turn it into nutrients that can be used by other plants and animals.

Some examples of detritivores are earthworms, snails, and even some types of bacteria. They play a very important role in keeping the ecosystem healthy and functioning properly. So next time you see a little earthworm wiggling around in the dirt, just remember that they are doing some important work!