ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Deviant Behavior (journal)

Deviant behavior means doing things that are not considered normal or acceptable by society. Imagine if your friends always eat their vegetables, but one day you decide to throw your broccoli on the floor instead of eating it. That would be deviant behavior because it goes against what is expected, and your friends might think it's weird.

In a journal about deviant behavior, researchers study people who do things that are not considered normal, like stealing, using drugs, or being aggressive. They try to understand why people engage in these behaviors and the impact it has on society.

Sometimes, people engage in deviant behavior because they feel like they are not accepted or included by society. They might feel like stealing or using drugs is the only way they can cope with their problems. Other times, people engage in deviant behavior simply because they think it's cool or exciting.

Researchers in deviant behavior study how these behaviors affect people's lives and how they can help prevent or stop them. They also try to better understand the reasons behind certain deviant behaviors so that they can help people overcome them.

In summary, a journal about deviant behavior is a collection of studies that look at people who engage in behaviors that are not considered normal or acceptable. Researchers try to understand why people engage in these behaviors and how they can help prevent or stop them.