ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, child. So first of all, have you ever noticed how in the mornings there is sometimes wetness on the ground or plants? That's called dew. And did you know that scientists have made a special device called a dewcell to measure how much dew there is?

A dewcell is like a little box with a sensor inside that can detect how much water is on it. When dew forms, it creates a layer of water on the surface of things like grass or leaves. The sensor in the dewcell can tell how much water is on it by measuring how much light goes through the water layer. It's kind of like using a flashlight to shine through your hand and seeing how much light gets through - if there's less light, that means there's more water.

Dewcells are really helpful for people like weather forecasters who want to know how much water is in the air. By measuring the amount of dew, they can figure out how humid it is outside at night. Scientists also use dewcells to study how plants and animals depend on dew for water - some creatures in dry places rely on dew to survive!

So that's what a dewcell is. It's a special tool that helps us understand how much dew there is and why it matters. Pretty cool, huh?