ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dhobi Ghat

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of a place called Dhobi Ghat? It's a very special place in India where people come to wash their clothes.

Now, you might be thinking, "why can't they just wash their clothes at home?" Well, Dhobi Ghat is a place where people bring their clothes to be washed by professionals, called dhobis. These dhobis wash the clothes in big vats of water and soap, then hang them up to dry in the sun.

But Dhobi Ghat isn't just a place for washing clothes, it's also a place where people can come to find work. Many of the people who work as dhobis, or in other roles at Dhobi Ghat, come from poorer communities, and working there helps them to support themselves and their families.

There are lots of different sounds and sights at Dhobi Ghat - the sound of clothes being washing and wrung out, the smell of soap and water, and the colorful clothes hanging up to dry in the sunshine.

So, next time you see your mom or dad doing the laundry at home, you can tell them all about Dhobi Ghat and how it's kind of like a big washing machine for lots of people's clothes!