ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Die (manufacturing)

Okay, kiddo, so you know how when you play with play-doh, you can push it into different shapes and make fun things like stars and animals? Just like that, when people make things out of metal or plastic, they use a special tool called a "die" to mold the material into the shape they want.

A die is a special piece of metal with a hole in it that is the same shape as the thing people want to make. They put the metal or plastic material into the hole in the die, and then use a machine to push down on the material really hard. When they take the material out of the die, it has taken on the shape of the hole in the die.

Dies are really important in making all sorts of things, like car parts and even coins! They help people to make lots of things quickly and easily, without having to spend a lot of time shaping things by hand.