ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Differential Global Positioning System

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of GPS? It helps us figure out where we are and how to get to different places. But sometimes GPS can be a little bit off and not show our exact location. That's where a Differential GPS comes in!

A Differential GPS is like a really smart friend who helps the GPS figure out exactly where we are. It uses special technology to compare different GPS signals and figure out the difference in their measurements. Then it takes that difference and applies it to our GPS signal to make it more accurate.

Think of it like this: imagine you have a friend who is always really good at guessing how many jellybeans are in a jar. But sometimes, they might be a little bit off. So you call another friend who is really good at guessing too, and ask them to guess as well. If their guesses are close to each other, you know the first friend's guess was pretty good. But if their guesses are really different, you know the first friend might not have been as accurate.

That's sort of how Differential GPS works! It uses multiple GPS measurements to figure out our exact location with more accuracy. This can be really helpful for things like boats, planes, or even cars that need to know exactly where they are. Pretty cool, huh?