ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Diffusing-wave spectroscopy

Diffusing-wave spectroscopy is a scientific technique that helps us understand how light scatters (bounces around) in different materials. Imagine you are trying to see through a foggy window. You might notice that the light coming in from outside is scattered and it is difficult to see through the fog. This is similar to what happens when light travels through some materials.

Scientists use diffusing-wave spectroscopy to measure changes in the way light scatters as it travels through different substances. They use a special device called a laser that emits a very small beam of light. This beam of light is directed at the material being studied, and the scattered light is detected.

The scattered light contains information about the size and movement of particles within the material. Scientists can use this information to study things like how blood flows through vessels or how molecules move within a liquid.

In simpler terms, it's like shining a flashlight through a really foggy window to see how the light moves around inside. And with DWS, scientists can use this information to learn more about different materials and how they work!