ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Diggers are big machines that help us dig things up from the ground. They have a big arm called a boom with a scoop at the end called a bucket. When the digger operator moves the boom, the bucket moves too and scoops up dirt, rocks, or other things from the ground.

Diggers are really useful for big construction projects like building houses, roads, and bridges. They can move big piles of dirt and rocks quickly and easily, which makes building things faster and more efficient.

Sometimes, diggers are also used to dig holes in the ground for building foundations or to bury things like pipes or wires. They can even be used to demolish old buildings or clear out areas for new construction.

Overall, diggers are really important tools for building and construction work, and they help us get things done faster and easier than if we had to do it all by hand.