ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Digital Collections Selection Criteria

Hello there little one! Have you ever wondered how libraries choose which books to put in their digital collections? Well, there are a few things they consider when making that decision, and I'm here to explain it to you like you're five years old!

First of all, they think about what people might want to read. Libraries try to have a wide variety of books available, so they consider books that are popular or have been requested by library patrons. This means that if a lot of people are asking for a certain book, the library will make sure to get a digital copy of it so people can read it online.

Another thing they consider is the quality of the book. They want to make sure that the books in their digital collections are well-written, informative, and enjoyable to read. They might look at reviews or awards the book has won to help them make this decision.

Libraries also think about the diversity of the books they offer. They want to make sure that people of all ages, backgrounds, and interests can find something to read in their digital collections. They might look for books written by authors from different countries, books with diverse characters, or books about different topics to make sure everyone is represented.

Finally, they consider the cost of the book. Digital books can be expensive, so libraries have to be careful about which ones they choose to add to their collections. They might try to get books that have been discounted or are available at a lower cost.

So there you have it, little one! Libraries choose books for their digital collections based on what people want to read, the quality of the book, the diversity of the books offered, and the cost of the book.