ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Digital media use and mental health

Digital media use and mental health are related to one another in many ways. Digital media can be things like using a computer, streaming music and videos, playing games, and using phones or other devices.

When using digital media, we can become stressed or depressed due to how it affects our mental health. This can happen in two main ways. First, when we spend too much time using digital media and become "addicted" to it, this can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle where we spend less time doing things in the real world, such as being with family and friends. Second, when we spend more time using digital media than doing actual activities that benefit our physical and mental health, like exercising and eating healthy foods, this can lead to poor mental health.

It’s important to use digital media in a healthy way. It’s okay to enjoy digital media, but try to take regular breaks from it. Spend time with loved ones and do activities that benefit you physically and mentally.
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