ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Digital strategy manager

A digital strategy manager is someone who helps a company figure out how to use technology and the internet to make the company better. You know how sometimes you play a game on your tablet or watch a video on your mom's phone? That's all part of technology! And companies use technology too, but they need someone to help them decide the best ways to use it.

So let's say a company wants to sell more toys online. The digital strategy manager would help the company come up with ideas on how to make a really fun website where kids and parents can easily find the toys they like. Maybe they'd also think of ways to show the toys in a cool way, like videos or interactive features. They might also help the company figure out how to use social media to tell more people about their toys.

Basically, a digital strategy manager helps a company use lots of different parts of technology to create better ways to do business. They make sure the company is using the internet and other technology in the best ways possible, to keep up with the times and to make sure the company is doing well.