ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let's talk about diphthongs! A diphthong is a fancy word for when two vowel sounds are said very close together in one syllable. It's like when you combine two different toys to make one fun toy!

For example, let's say you want to say the word "coin". The first sound you make is "o" and the second sound is "i". But instead of saying them separately, you say them so quickly that they blend together to make a new sound: "oy". This is called a diphthong, because it's two vowel sounds working together to make one cool sound.

In English, we use diphthongs all the time! Think about the word "boy". The "o" and the "y" are so close together that they combine to make the sound "oi". Other examples of diphthongs include "eye" in the word "hi", "ow" in "how", and "au" in "caught".

So, to sum it up, a diphthong is when two vowel sounds are spoken close together to make one sound. It's like putting two toys together to make a super awesome toy!