ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Alright, kiddo! So, diploë is a fancy word that we use to talk about the inside layer of the bones in your skull.

You know that your skull is the hard, bony structure that protects your brain right? Well, inside your skull, there's a layer of spongy bone that we call the diploë.

Think of it like a sandwich. The outer layer of your skull is like the bread, and the diploë is like the filling in between. It's made up of lots of little holes and spaces filled with bone marrow and blood vessels.

The diploë is important because it helps to protect your brain from any bumps or knocks that you might get on the outside of your head. It's also involved in making new blood cells in your body.

So, that's diploë! A special layer of bone inside your skull that helps protect your brain and make new blood cells. Pretty cool, huh?