ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Direct sum of modules

Ok kiddo, imagine you have a bunch of toys that you can put together in different ways. Now imagine that each toy is a special type of toy that you can add to another special type of toy, but only if they match.

Now, let's say you have a toy box (module) with a bunch of these special toys in it. You can group some of the toys in one section and some of the others in another section. Now, each section contains only the special type of toys that can be added to each other. But, the sections can also be put together if the toys in one section do not match the toys in the other section. This is called the direct sum of the two sections, and it includes all the toys in both sections but ensures that they only match with toys in their own section.

In the same way, a direct sum of modules is when you have two different groups of vectors (like toys), but you make sure that each vector only matches with other vectors in its own group. This allows you to join the groups together, but still keep them separate. It's like having two distinct groups of toys that you can play with on their own or combine them to create a new group, but only if the toys in each group match with each other.