ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Direct2D is like a magic paintbrush that lets your computer draw pretty pictures really fast.

It has two main parts: First is the Artist (also known as a Renderer), it takes your instructions and draws pretty things on your screen, just like a real artist would. Second is the Canvas, which is like a computer screen or a piece of paper that the Artist draws on.

You give the Artist instructions for what to draw, like "Draw a circle" or "Make a line from here to there." But the Artist can also do more complicated things, like make shadows or blend colors together.

What's cool about Direct2D is that it's really fast. It can draw things super quickly, so you can have lots of pretty pictures on your screen all moving and changing at the same time.

Direct2D is often used in video games and other computer applications, where lots of graphics are needed to make things look cool or to help the user understand what's going on.