ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Directorium Inquisitorum

The Directorium Inquisitorum is a book that was written a long time ago to help people who wanted to catch and punish others who were doing bad things. Imagine if you saw someone doing something really bad, like stealing from your home or hurting someone. You would want to make sure they got in trouble, right?

Well, a long time ago, there were some people who were even more serious about catching these bad people. They were called inquisitors, and they were sort of like detectives. They would use the Directorium Inquisitorum as a guide to help them figure out how to find people who were doing bad things, and how to punish them.

The book had rules and instructions for the inquisitors to follow. For example, it told them how to question people to get information, and how to know if someone was lying. The book also had guidelines for what kind of things were considered bad, and how severe the punishments should be.

Overall, the Directorium Inquisitorum was a way to help keep people safe by catching and punishing those who were doing bad things. Although it was written a long time ago and things are different today, some aspects of it are still used by people who work in law enforcement or justice today.