Disappearing World is a TV series that shows people from different parts of the world and their daily lives. The show talks about how their way of life is changing or disappearing over time, and how they are adapting to a rapidly changing world.
It's like when you have a toy that you like to play with, but over time it starts to break and not work as well. It's kind of sad because you really like that toy, but you have to learn to play with something else or fix it if you can.
Disappearing World shows how people in different parts of the world are experiencing changes that are making their way of life disappear. For example, some people live in places where there used to be a lot of water, but now there is not enough. This means they can't fish or farm like they used to, and they have to find new ways to make a living.
The show is important because it helps people understand that there are many different ways of living in the world, and that these ways of life are changing. It's also important because it shows how people are working hard to adapt and find new solutions to the challenges they face.
So, kind of like when your parents teach you how to do something new or how to use a different toy when your favorite one is broken, the people in Disappearing World are also learning how to live differently in a changing world.