ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Discovery of the neutron

Once upon a time, there were some very smart scientists who were trying to understand the tiny building blocks of everything in the universe. They knew about two special particles called protons and electrons, which are inside atoms. Protons are like the positive part of an atom and electrons are like the negative part. But they had a problem. When they added up the number of protons and electrons in an atom, it didn't match the total mass of the atom.

So, they started looking for something else that could be hiding inside the atom to make up the extra mass. They called this mystery thing the "neutron." The scientists thought that the neutron might be a particle with no charge, which means it's neither positive nor negative.

But finding this mysterious neutron was not an easy task. One scientist named James Chadwick worked really hard to figure it out. He thought that if the neutron exists, it should be able to knock other particles out of the way. He imagined it like bowling, where the neutron is the ball and the protons and electrons are the pins.

Chadwick built a special experiment to test his idea. He used something called alpha particles, which are like a little bunch of protons and neutrons. He aimed these alpha particles at different things, trying to see if they moved or got knocked around.

Guess what? When the alpha particles hit a special kind of material, called beryllium, they actually did get knocked around! This was exciting because it meant that there was something inside atoms that could knock those alpha particles. Chadwick realized that this something must be the neutron!

Chadwick figured out that the neutron was a very clever particle. It doesn't have any charge, so it's not positive or negative, just like he thought. And it's a little bit heavy, just like the missing mass in atoms.

When Chadwick discovered the neutron, it was a big deal because it helped scientists understand how atoms work and why they have the mass they do. It was like solving a puzzle and finding that missing piece you've been looking for.

So, thanks to the hard work of James Chadwick, we now know about the three important particles inside atoms: protons, electrons, and neutrons. And this discovery has opened up a whole new world of understanding in science!