ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Disease model of addiction

Alright kiddo, so let's talk about the disease model of addiction.

Do you know what a disease is? It's when someone's body isn't working the way it's supposed to and they feel sick. Well, addiction is kinda like a disease, but instead of making your body feel sick, it makes your brain sick.

When someone becomes addicted to something like drugs or alcohol, their brain gets used to it and starts to need it. It's like when you have your favorite candy and you really want more, even if you've already had enough.

But here's the thing, just like a disease, an addiction isn't something that someone chooses to have. It happens because of the way their brain works. That means that even if they really want to stop using drugs or alcohol, their brain might not let them.

So people who believe in the disease model of addiction think that we need to treat it like any other disease. We need to help the person with addiction get better by giving them medicine or therapy to help their brain start working the way it's supposed to again.

It's important to remember that having an addiction doesn't make someone a bad person. They just need help to get better. And just like we would help someone with a cold or the flu, we need to help people with addiction too.
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