ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dispatchable generation

Okay kiddo, so dispatchable generation means we have electricity that we can turn on and off whenever we need it. It's like having a light switch that we can turn on when we need light and off when we don't.

When we use non-dispatchable sources of energy like wind and solar, we can't control when they produce electricity. For example, we can't make the sun shine brighter or the wind blow harder just because we need more electricity.

But with dispatchable generation, we have power plants that can turn on their generators whenever we need more electricity. This way, we can make sure that we always have enough power to meet our needs.

Some examples of dispatchable generation include natural gas, coal, and nuclear power plants. They are able to produce electricity on demand and can adjust their production levels depending on how much energy we need at any given time.

So basically, dispatchable generation is like having a super power that lets us control when we have electricity. Pretty cool, huh?