ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dissociative fugue

Hey there little one, have you ever seen a movie where someone forgets who they are and creates a completely new identity? That's kind of like what happens in something called a dissociative fugue.

See, sometimes people go through really stressful and difficult times in their lives, and their brains have trouble dealing with it all. That's where dissociative fugue comes in- it's when someone undergoes memory loss, and they might not even remember who they are or where they came from.

It's almost like they've been transported to a completely different place in their mind, where they create a new identity that helps them cope with whatever caused the stress in the first place. They might even move away to a new city or state, and start pretending to be someone completely different.

But here's the thing: even though they might not remember their old life, they usually still remember how to do basic things like eat, talk, and take care of themselves. And over time, most people with dissociative fugue eventually remember who they are and go back to their old lives.

So there you have it, little one- dissociative fugue is basically when someone's brain has trouble dealing with really tough stuff, and they create a whole new identity to get through it all. But don't worry, most people eventually figure it out and go back to their old selves.