ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Distributed design patterns

Distributed design patterns mean breaking big things into smaller pieces to make them easier to handle. It's like a puzzle that you put together one piece at a time. In a computer, different pieces of the program are connected together, and they work together to make the computer do what you want it to do.

With a distributed design pattern, instead of having everything in one big piece, you have smaller pieces that can work independently. Imagine a big cake that you want to share with your friends. If you cut the cake into smaller pieces, each person can have a little piece to enjoy.

Similarly, with distributed design patterns, different parts of the computer program can work independently of each other. This means that if one part of the program stops working, the rest of the program can still keep running smoothly.

Distributed design patterns are like how ants work together. They all have different jobs, but they all work together to build a big ant hill. Each ant handles a small job, but together they create something much larger and more complex.

So, in summary, distributed design patterns are like breaking a big thing into smaller pieces that work together, just like how ants work together to build an ant hill. This helps make the computer program run smoothly and be more efficient.
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