ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dive Bomber (film)

Okay kiddo, so a dive bomber is a type of plane that was used in olden times during wars. The movie that we're talking about is called "Dive Bomber" and it's all about those planes and the brave men who flew them.

The movie is set during World War II and it tells the story of a doctor named Doug who is trying to figure out how to help pilots who are suffering from a condition called "blackout" which happens when they fly really fast and then suddenly stop. It makes them pass out and it's dangerous when you're flying a plane!

But don't worry, Doug is a really smart doctor and he figures out how to help the pilots by giving them special goggles that help them see better and not get sick. He works with a pilot named Joe who becomes his friend and they go on lots of exciting adventures together.

There's also a love story in the movie between Joe and a nurse named Rita. They fall in love and it's really sweet.

The movie is all about the bravery of the pilots and how they risked their lives to protect their country during the war. It's a really exciting movie with lots of action and cool airplanes flying around.