ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Diver training

Diver training is like going to school to learn how to swim and explore underwater. Just like when you start school, you need to learn basic things first, such as how to breathe underwater and how to move around with special gear called scuba diving equipment.

Once you learn these basics, you can move on to more advanced skills like how to safely descend (go down) and ascend (go up) underwater, how to communicate with your diving buddy using special hand signals, and how to react to emergencies like losing your air supply.

As you become more experienced and confident, you can also learn how to dive in different types of water environments like deep ocean or shipwrecks. Just like in school, you will have different levels of certification that show how much you have learned and can do as a diver.

It is important to take diver training seriously, just like school, because it can be dangerous if you don't follow the rules and know how to handle different situations. But if you listen to your teacher (instructor) and practice, diving can be a really fun and exciting way to see a whole new world underwater!