ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Divided infringement

Divided infringement happens when two or more people work together to do something that might be against the rules, like breaking a toy or stealing a cookie. For example, one person might hold the toy, and the other person might hit it until it breaks. Even though they both did something wrong, neither one of them did the whole thing by themselves.

Divided infringement is also something that can happen in grown-up situations, like when people make and sell products that might break the rules, like copying a movie or software. Even if one person doesn't copy the whole movie themselves, if they work with someone else who does part of it, they might both get in trouble for it.

In legal terms, divided infringement means that more than one person is involved in doing something that might be against the law. It can be tricky for judges and lawyers to figure out who is responsible for what, and who should get in trouble for it.