ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Divine providence (Judaism)

Divine providence is like having a superhero who can see everything that happens in the world and wants to make sure everything goes according to plan. In Judaism, we believe that God is this superhero – he can see everything that happens in the world and has a plan for everything.

This means that everything that happens in the world is part of God's plan, even if we don't understand it. When good things happen, we believe it's because God wants good things to happen. When bad things happen, we believe it's because God has a bigger plan that we can't see yet.

In Judaism, we acknowledge that God is in control of everything, but we also have free will. This means that we can make choices and decisions for ourselves, but God knows what we're going to do before we even do it. It's like God has a crystal ball and can see into the future.

When we pray, we're asking God to help us, but we also trust that he has a plan for us. This means that sometimes our prayers are answered the way we want them to be, and sometimes they're not – but we trust that whatever happens, it's what God wants for us.

Overall, divine providence in Judaism means that God is in control of everything, but we still have free will. We trust that everything that happens is part of a bigger plan, even if we don't understand it.