ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Do not resuscitate

When somebody's body stops working properly and they are very sick, sometimes doctors may try to help them by using big, powerful machines and medicines. This can sometimes help the person to get better, but sometimes it doesn't work and the person still can't get better.

"Do Not Resuscitate" (DNR) is a way for people to say that if their body stops working and they can't breathe or their heart stops beating, they don't want doctors to use those big machines and medicines to try to make them alive again.

This is because sometimes, even if the machines make the person's body start working again, the person might still be really, really sick, and it may not make them feel any better.

Choosing to have a DNR is a very personal and important decision, and it can help somebody make sure that they get to die the way they want to.