ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Doctor of Liberal Studies

A doctor of liberal studies is a person who has studied a lot about many different things. They have read lots of books, watched lots of videos, and listened to lots of people talk about these things.

The things that they study are not just one subject, like math or science or history. Instead, they look at many different subjects all at once. They might study literature, art, philosophy, history, and other subjects too.

When a person wants to become a doctor of liberal studies, they usually need to go to college for a very long time. They read hundreds of books and write lots of papers about what they learned.

Once they have finished all of this studying, they can become a doctor of liberal studies. They get to put "Dr." in front of their name, just like people who study medicine or science.

People who become doctors of liberal studies usually like to think about big questions. They like to think about what it means to be a human being or what is the meaning of life. They want to understand how different ideas and cultures fit together to make the world we live in.