ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dogdyke Pumping Station

Okay kiddo, so imagine if you will a big straw that sucks up water from a river or a lake. That straw is called a pump, and it helps move the water from one place to another. The Dogdyke Pumping Station is a really big pump that moves water from the River Witham to the Black Sluice Drain.

Why do we need to move the water, you might ask? Well, sometimes there is too much water in the river or the drain, and it could flood nearby areas. Or sometimes there isn't enough water, and farmers need to irrigate their crops. So the pump helps control the amount of water in the area.

Now, the Dogdyke Pumping Station isn't just one pump. It has six big pumps that are powered by electricity. They can move a lot of water - about 26,000 gallons per minute! That's like filling up 26 bathtubs with water every single minute.

So, in summary, the Dogdyke Pumping Station is like a really big straw that helps move water from one place to another to prevent flooding or help farmers irrigate their crops. It has six pumps that are powered by electricity and can move a lot of water really quickly. Pretty cool, huh?