Okay kiddo, so think of a baby taking a bath in a big tub of water. When it's time to get the baby out of the bath, you don't want to just dump all the water out with the baby still in the tub. That would be bad and dangerous! You want to be careful and take the baby out first, then pour out the dirty water.
Now, this phrase "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" is not really about babies and bathwater. It's an expression that means we shouldn't get rid of something good or useful along with something bad or useless.
For example, let's say you have a toy box full of toys. Some of the toys are old and broken, but some of them are new and fun to play with. You don't want to throw away all the toys just because some of them are broken. You need to look carefully and decide which toys are still good and which ones can be thrown away.
So remember kiddo, when someone says "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater", they mean we should be careful and not get rid of something good or useful along with something bad or useless.