ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Donald Trump photo op at St. John's Church

Okay, kiddo, so you know how there are some people who are very important and they make big decisions that affect lots of people, right? Well, one of those people is the President of the United States, and his name is Donald Trump.

Now, one day there was a big protest in front of the White House, which is where the President lives and works. The people in the protest were upset about something that happened and they wanted the President to do something about it.

Well, after the protest was over, President Trump decided he wanted to go for a walk to a nearby church called St. John's. He wanted to take some pictures in front of the church to show that he was still in charge and to make himself look important.

So he walked over to the church and stood in front of it while some photographers took his picture. But some people didn't like that he did this, because they felt like he was using the situation to make himself look good, instead of actually doing something to help the people who were upset.

So that's what happened, kiddo. It's important to remember that sometimes people do things for their own reasons, even if it doesn't seem like the right thing to do.