ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Double distilled water

Okay kiddo, so you know how when we drink water or use it for washing things, we want it to be clean and not have any yucky stuff in it, right? Well, sometimes regular tap water or even bottled water can still have tiny particles or minerals in it that we can't see.

That's where double distilled water comes in! It's like taking regular water and making it super duper clean by boiling it not once, but twice. When you boil water, it turns into steam which rises up and leaves any yucky stuff behind. Then, the steam is cooled down and turned back into water, but this water is even cleaner because it's been purified twice!

Double distilled water is used for lots of things where it's really important to have pure water, like in medicine, research labs, and sometimes in aquariums for fishies that need really clean water to swim in. But for everyday use like drinking and showering, regular clean water is just fine!