ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Double dump valve

A double dump valve is like a special door that helps keep a really important room safe.

Imagine you have a room with lots of toys in it, and only some people are allowed inside. To keep the room safe, the door needs to stay closed most of the time. But sometimes, someone who is allowed in might accidentally leave the door open, and then anyone could come in and mess up the toys.

That's where the double dump valve comes in. It's like a second door that only opens when it needs to. You can think of it as a safety net, just in case something goes wrong with the first door.

So, when the first door is opened, the double dump valve stays closed. But if something goes wrong and the first door accidentally stays open, the double dump valve will automatically open to ensure that no one can get in and mess up the toys.

This is important in lots of big machines and processes, where safety is really important. The double dump valve helps make sure that if something goes wrong, there's always a backup plan to keep things safe.