ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Draining of the Mesopotamian Marshes

Once upon a time, there was a very big place called Mesopotamia. It was full of a lot of water, which made it a great home for animals and plants who loved to live in wet areas called marshes. However, some people who lived nearby wanted to use the water for their own things like farming or making electricity.

So, they built big dams and channels to stop the water from going into the marshes. They also made canals to take the water away from there and use it for other things. Unfortunately, this made the marshes very dry, and the animals and plants who lived there started to die.

Many people were very sad about this and tried to stop it, but it was difficult to change what had already happened. Eventually, though, some people decided to do something about it, and they opened the dams and channels to let the water flow back into the marshes. This helped the animals and plants come back to life, and now they are all much happier!