ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dramatic programming

Dramatic programming is like putting on a play, but instead of performing it live in front of an audience, it is filmed for television or streaming services.

It starts with people called writers who come up with the story and write down all the words that the actors will say. They make sure the story is interesting and tense, with lots of exciting things happening to keep you watching.

Then, a group of people called producers find actors to play the different characters in the story. They also look for a director to help the actors act out the story and make sure it looks good on camera.

Once everyone is ready, they start filming the show. The actors say their lines, and the cameras capture everything they do. Sometimes they have to film scenes over and over again until they get it just right.

Then, editors take all of the footage and pieces it together to make a full episode or movie. They add music and sound effects to make it more exciting and suspenseful, and then it's ready for you to watch on your TV or tablet!

So, dramatic programming is like a big teamwork where people work together to make a story that you can watch and enjoy!
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