ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Dream Chaser

Dream Chaser is a super cool airplane that flies in space! It's like a spaceship but looks more like a cool airplane. The Dream Chaser is designed to carry people and cargo to outer space and back again.

Now... you see the sky right? When you look up, you can see the sky and the sun and the clouds. But did you know that there's more to it than just what you see? Beyond the sky is something called space. And you can fly to space with a special kind of airplane called a spacecraft!

Dream Chaser is very special because it can go up into space and then return back to Earth like a regular airplane. This is really helpful because it means that people and cargo can come back to Earth quickly and safely.

Now if you imagine a big box, Dream Chaser is shaped like it! It has wings, just like the airplanes you sometimes see in the sky. But these special wings let it fly higher and faster than regular airplanes.

Now, flying to space is very different than flying through the sky. In space, there's no air, so special tools called rockets help the airplane move around. Dream Chaser has these rockets too!

The people who made Dream Chaser are really smart and work hard to make sure it can fly safely. And soon, Dream Chaser will be helping astronauts and important cargo travel to places like the International Space Station where they can do experiments and learn more about space! How cool is that?